10 Best & Worst Classic WoW Dungeons
There are a million things that World of Warcraft players fight about, from basic game mechanics to complex storylines. One popular topic of contention is dungeons, also known as instances. Which ones are the best or worst, and why?To get more news about
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Typically a group of five tackles a whole instance, and depending on the class or level it might be a different experience for everyone. Here's our view on the subject of the best and worst dungeons in classic World of Warcraft.
Pirates, caves, wacky goblin machines and a literal den of thieves welcome you to the concept of dungeons when you visit Deadmines. DM, as it's also called, is meant for players in their teens but is anything but dull. It has a straightforward layout but some very imaginative touches keep the player engaged. For example, the entrance to this vast underground space is an unassuming little cottage that's actually a secret thief hideout.
The cave below eventually opens up to a cavern with a hidden pirate ship that's a callback to the famous scene in The Goonies. Lower level dungeons tend to be boring, as they're the first ones players come into contact with and are designed to train players for future adventures, but not DM.
We don't know what's worse, the tangle of brambles above our heads or the glorified pigpen below. This dungeon is boring, confusing, and worst of all, hard to reach even for horde players. Everything looks the same, so it's hard to stay focused on your location, and one of the few quests available consists of picking up bat poop. That's not even a joke. Good thing we can't smell the place.
It's almost exclusively a Horde dungeon, as the nearest flight points are the cities of Camp Taurajo and Thousand Needles, and both are still a fairly long walk. Alliance players have to run all the way from Rachet or Feralas, and it's often not worth the effort.
Troll ruins are interesting anyway, and this dungeon takes them to the next level. Zul'Farrak's open concept layout makes maneuvering fairly easy. The whole dungeon is a big outdoor space so it's virtually impossible to get lost.
Okay, there's going to be some debate here. There are actually three Maruadons, with some being less hateful than others. Princess Island is one of those famous places everyone has to see sooner or later, and the interior of that particular section is mostly water and greenery as opposed to winding, faceless caves that lead to nowhere.
What is it with this annoying color scheme? What made them choose purple and orange? It's like a museum or hospital where we have to follow the different lines on the floor. You might notice that these kinds of features don't appear in any other dungeon, and there's a good reason. They just aren't that appealing.